~Palavras Cotidianas.


"Nós, homens do conhecimento, não nos conhecemos; de nós mesmos somos desconhecidos."


''Aquele que luta com monstros deve acautelar-se para não tornar-se também um monstro. Quando se olha muito tempo para um abismo, o abismo olha para você.''

Friedrich Nietzsche

Todos sabemos que cada dia que nasce é o primeiro para uns e será o último para outros e que, para a maioria, é so um dia mais.

- José Saramago.

no surprises...

17 de outubro de 2012

This is not the first time, i've been through all this before.
Such a familiar place to be...stuck always wanting more.
Do you remember this time last year?
I thought you'd have noticed; hearts break they don't bend.
Is this the beginning, the beginning of the end?
Do you remember this time last year?
How could I have ever forget a picture so clear?

Do you remember this time last year?
Ever since i've been dreaming, every night, you were here.

The trees look so empty this time of the year. With seasons the colors rise and dim. But by law the leaves are attracted to go down, as so with all things. They say things happen for a reason. Do seasons? Am i painting a picture so vivid?
When the plane went down did you hear "Oh, Donna" from each corner of the compass? You made my body shiver when you cried your tale a river. For that i thank you. My heart goes out to you. You left a dent to this winter. Just know it didnt go unnoticed.

-superstitions of the sky.

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