~Palavras Cotidianas.


"Nós, homens do conhecimento, não nos conhecemos; de nós mesmos somos desconhecidos."


''Aquele que luta com monstros deve acautelar-se para não tornar-se também um monstro. Quando se olha muito tempo para um abismo, o abismo olha para você.''

Friedrich Nietzsche

Todos sabemos que cada dia que nasce é o primeiro para uns e será o último para outros e que, para a maioria, é so um dia mais.

- José Saramago.

no surprises...

20 de outubro de 2011

Riding on these waves
Holding on to what you say
Everything will be okay
it will work out one way

But I've drifted way too far
my arms my legs have grown too tired
And could you be inspired, now I'm just tired

And on a swing you push me hard
So I'll come back to where you are
And you know I'm never far
no decisions nothing hard

And I knew that it would rain tonight
I'll take the bus or the next flight
I won't give up on what feels right

If you see these tears fill in my eyes
It's just the wind that makes me cry
If you could feel this pain inside
It's from the drinks we drank last night
It's from the drinks we drank last night

The shadow of our past,
projects on clouds of dust and gas
The ones where my eyes will rest,
a silhouette of loneliness

If you see these tears fill in my eyes
It's just the wind that makes me cry
If you could feel this pain inside
It's from the drinks we drank last night
It's from the drinks we drank last night

-azure ray.

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