~Palavras Cotidianas.


"Nós, homens do conhecimento, não nos conhecemos; de nós mesmos somos desconhecidos."


''Aquele que luta com monstros deve acautelar-se para não tornar-se também um monstro. Quando se olha muito tempo para um abismo, o abismo olha para você.''

Friedrich Nietzsche

Todos sabemos que cada dia que nasce é o primeiro para uns e será o último para outros e que, para a maioria, é so um dia mais.

- José Saramago.

no surprises...

30 de junho de 2010

you can live in this illusion you can choose to believe

".... see the animal is in that cage that you build
are you sure what side you're on
better not look him to closely on the eyes
are you sure what side of the glass you are on
see the safety of the life you have built
everything where it belongs...
feel the hollowness inside of your heart
and it's all ...
right where it belongs

what if everything around you isn't quite as it seems
what if all the world you think you know
is an elaborate dream
and if you look at your reflection
is it all you wanted to be?
what if you could look right through the cracks
would you find yourself...
find yourself afraid to see?

what if all the world inside your head
is just a creation of your own?
Your devil and your G . O . D . ' s
all the living and the dead....
and you really are alone
you can live in this illusion you can choose to believe
you keep looking but you can't find the words
are you hiding in the dreams ? ...."


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